Friday, December 28, 2007

More Christmas pictures

Grace with the girls from the youth group.They went caroling that night.

This is our annual sparkling grape juice binge

Robert made ornaments with the kids this year.He was very clever

Can't get any better than this!

Caleb came home for Christmas and it was so wonderful for all of us to see him again.The excitement in the house before he arrived was crazy.We all went to the airport to see his plane come in and the boys were running around trying to see who could get a glimpse of him first.We had a wonderful couple of days with him.We had the Christmas celebration with my parents on Thursday night while he was here.We couldn't get over how wonderful it was to have all five of them together.We are so thankful that he was able to come home for a couple of days.We better get used to the separation because Caleb said his plans right now are to stay at the Air Force Academy so that means 4&1/2 more years of restricted visits.We are so proud of his determination and endurance through such a difficult environment.I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Here is a picture of Caleb when we first saw him at the airport.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Grace's Christmas Recital

Grace takes dance from a wonderful Christian lady here in Taylorsville just 2 miles from the house.I am trying to get the video of her Dance recital but I am having difficulty getting it to download all the way so I will include it as soon as possible.She also takes a choir class on Fridays at the dance studio and that is the video I have included here.After the recital they went and sang Christmas Carols all over the town and I have included some pictures from that of the town.It is cold here we had to go get winter supplies today like salt and shovels boots etc...We have had a lot of freezing rain and tonight it is supposed to snow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A very Careful balanced view of the movie "The Golden Compass"

A Letter From A Friend

I received the following letter today from a very dear friend in Jacksonville.Robert was her pastor and her mothers pastor for years in our little church.As God would direct it both Cami's mother and Robert's mother would die within weeks of each other from the same disease.I was so moved by her letter and her great understanding of God's Sovereignty in our lives that I asked permission to place this letter on the blog for all to enjoy.Please scale down to the bottom of this letter to listen to a man that also had muscular dystrophy explain in his own words how God designed him to have this disease.It was not out of God's control as nothing in our lives is out of His control and purpose.I am also including a small video of Steve Saint (,son of Nate Saint missionary pilot killed by the Aucas) who lost his daughter as a young adult who had just returned from a year long mission trip the night of her death.Then ther is one by John Piper about Gods Sovereignty. May your Spirit be moved by such faith.

Yesterday marked 5 years since my mom passed away. She died peacefully after a long battle with ALS (Lou Gherrig's Disease). It was a Sunday morning right at 9:00. My brother and I always smile and say, "Just in time for church" Mom loved the Lord more than anything and it showed in everything she said and did. She left Marc and I a wonderful heritage as she was a great example to all her family and friends. She touched many, many lives with her kind, gentle spirit. People always walked away feeling loved and encouraged. I miss her.

Tonight I watched a fictional story on TV called "One More Day" about a man who while unconscious because of a car accident, got to spend one more day with his deceased mother. He got to ask her questions and say things he didn't before she died. Thankfully, mom and I were able to spend many days together, as I cared for her. I've never regretted that time. I've always felt like I would do everything exactly the same. I'm thankful for that as well. Not many people are that fortunate. Oh - I guess there are some things I would do differently - but not the important things - not the goodbyes and the "I love you's" and the "you did a great job, mom - I'm thankful that you were my mother". I'll never forget the time she told Marc and I that she had worked her way out of her job of being a mother and how proud of us she was.

Marc and I both wondered how we would survive without her. She was such a constant in our lives - such a comfort. We could call her anytime and talk about anything. She always had some kind of answer and it always pointed us back to the Lord. We always knew she was praying for us. So many mornings, I remember walking into her room and finding her on her knees, face to the floor next to her bed, praying for us. Praying for her day - for her family - for the people around her that she knew and loved.

If I had one more day to spend with mom, I would have to sit and tell her about all the things that the Lord has done in my life since He took her home. How, for so many years, I had her on a pedestal and God showed me that she was human - that I relied too much on her and her wisdom and not enough on His. How my faith has grown by leaps and bounds because I watched Him take me through loosing my mom and I still survived - even thrived.

None of us understood the purpose in God taking mom at 54, but as the years have passed, we've seen His hand. Things have happened in my life that only could have happened because I went through that. My marriage was strengthened, the relationship with my dad restored, and I relate to people in ways that I never could have beforehand. There are so many other things and it would take the whole night to tell them all - but if I could pinpoint it down to one life lesson it would be that there is a purpose in everything! God isn't random - he doesn't just allow things to happen to us for no reason. He doesn't allow people to suffer or die because He thinks it's a good idea for the day. Absolutely nothing that happens to us ever surprises Him or catches Him off guard. He allows thing to happen so that we can see Him working - we can see His power, His grace, His love. We may not see it in the midst of the tragedy - we are too focussed on our own pain and discomfort. But when we come through the other side - just seeing that we survived should be reason enough to praise Him. And as time goes by and you begin to put all the puzzle pieces together - you can't help but see how He only had your best in mind.

Mom loved Christmas. Yesterday we decorated Christmas cookies. Anyone who ever knew mom - knew about her beautiful Christmas cookies. I've continued the tradition. It's not Christmas without her cookies. Each Christmas that goes by, someone usually asks me how I am doing. While I miss her, I go back to the idea that she is celebrating the birth of our Savior with the Savior himself. God took her home so I could live. So I could live the abundant life that He had for me. So I could learn to trust Him and not rely so much on her. So I could see Him do amazing things in my life through something as difficult as watching a loved one suffer and die. There are pivotal moments in everyone's life, and this was one for me. As difficult as it is, and as much as I miss her - I wouldn't be the same person I am today. I am thankful for this experience. The experience of life - of death - of love and loss.

My marriage would not be what it is today. My strength, my character, my faith. Jarod's life wouldn't be the same. Amazingly we were just talking about how Anne is the same age that Jarod was when we moved in with mom. At almost 3 we were talking to him about death and sickness and Grandma going to live with Jesus. He had a love and an understanding of the Lord at an early age and I believe it was because of my mom. He would crawl up in her bed with her and she would talk to him about God. The day that we explained to him that Grandma would be going to heaven soon, he ran full force into my mom's room and yelled with such excitement, "Grandma! You get to go see Jesus soon!!!" Oh! If we all had the faith and excitement of a 3 year old.
He often speaks of her and remembers their times together. She would be so proud of the little gentleman he's become and how at 4 1/2 he gave his life to Christ.

If I had one more day, I would introduce her to my Anne. Mom always wanted a little granddaughter. Oh! How she would be sewing!!!! Feeding that girls vanity with ribbons and bows and dresses! She's such a girly girl. I'm thankful that Anne is still so innocent about death - but sad that she will never be influenced by my mother.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings with you. Seems it was all bottled up and needed to get out. As you go through this holiday season, take time to hug your loved ones a little tighter and be thankful for the time you still have with them. And if you are facing a difficult situation - look for the purpose - be thankful for the opportunity to grow and change and become a better person - to walk closer with God - to stretch your faith. We all get so comfortable and sometimes God likes to shake us up so we will trust Him and not ourselves. Don't be afraid of it - embrace it - and watch Him do wonderful things in your life! He's done it in mine.

Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Great news from Caleb

I don't go to rehab anymore, my knee is completely fine. The tests showed it's actually stronger than my other knee now, so that is good.

I received this message from Caleb today.We are so grateful to God for protecting him from a more serious injury and for Caleb's hard work to get better.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Got to see Movie

I know that the portrayal of John Newton in this movie is not, as some would say, the real story behind Amazing Grace the song but he is not the main focus of this movie.It is so inspiring that it is hard to put in words. I so long to be used in such a way.To be able to stand alone if need be and have my passions not be temporary but fruitful.This world,society and church needs to be filled with such passion.It seems everyone says "well there is nothing we can do about this or that" Well why not do something about the things we are passionate about instead of letting the daily things always take precedent over the important things.I don't mean that my job as a mother is an unimportant thing if it is lived out in passion.I need not let it be mundane. I need to try my best to inspire my children by exposing them to written stories and visual portrayals of godly people of passion. Maybe it is not me who will do such "big" things but maybe it is my children that will not live a life that causes them to say with the rest of the world "Well there is nothing we can do about it" May they be stellar truth bearers even if they have to stand alone.

This song is meaningful

I have never seen the Passion and I don't know that I would ever care to but I thought that the portrayal of the woman coming to Jesus on her face was such an amazing pictue of how I think it would be to meet Jesus in humility.I look forward to worshiping along with you tomorrow whether that is in person or in hearts united together.Have a blessed Lords day!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Missing you too

Brian wrote today and in the note were the words to this song that we all loved to sing.We miss you very much too and thankful that we worship the Lord together in our hearts every Sunday morning.We thought of you all yesterday while we sang "I will Glory in my Redeemer" in the morning and then we sang "In Christ Alone" last night.I think we sang both those songs on our last Sunday together.So as we sang we all thought about the same thing and tried to fight off the tears that streamed down our faces but at the same time it made my heart warm with memories of our worship together and reminded me again that someday we will worship together face to face and we will never have to say goodbye again.What a wonderful thought!May God bless all of you as we continue to worship God on this earth.
Love Becky

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Are We Much Different?

Am I like these rich people sailing on a ship for a fancy lunch that go about their lives without thought of where their sugar comes from or who died to get it for them? Do I live well because of the torment of others? I must not suppress these thoughts just because I don't want to pay anymore more for a pair of jeans than I did 25 years ago.The prices stay that low because I really don't want to take the handkerchief from my nose and smell the death and torment of Chinese slaves many of whom are my brothers and sisters in Christ that are enslaved for the Gospel and forced to work gruesome hours making jeans and other trivial such things.How do I go about my daily life with the attitude that well we can't get away from "having" to buy from China. Don't I sound the same as the members of parliament that said "as far as we can tell the Africans themselves don't oppose slavery" how preposterous that sounds in my ears but then have not I accepted the theory that if we didn't buy from China then their lives would be worse...How can this be? If you doubt this is true please visit this link.

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

This made me cry. What an Amazing God we have that gives such great gifts to those that we may meet through out the day even the cell phone salesman.Who Knows Chris Partyka may have hidden talents.

God is Amazing

I found this video clip to be so inspiring to reflect on just How Great God is in that this child was obviously born with a beautiful gift that only God could give.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


We are so thankful to be able to report that Caleb let us know last night that his MRI result came back and he had the best news.The MCL tear was a grade1 which is the lowest in severity so we are so thankful for that news. I have uploaded all the anniversary pictures to a snapfish file and I will try and link it here tonight. We love you all and thank you for praying for Caleb.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Wonderful Celebration!

We had such a great time tonight ! The children got to hear the many stories of my parents travels and difficulties but how God provided for them every step of the way. We laughed and cried together...happy touching tears. We watched old slides of my parents when they were teenagers,wedding,first child, college graduation etc...My parents expressed great love for each other and it was a very tender time. Thanks to all who sent cards and messages it truly meant a lot to them.I have a lot of pictures to post and will be adding many more.

Friday, November 2, 2007

John and Lynn Lapp Married 50 Years Today!

What a tremendous heritage I have been blessed with. My parents and my family and my brother will gather this evening to celebrate our parents 50th wedding Anniversary.How rare this day and age. All those that know them know how my father has sacrificially and unconditionally loved and cared for her in the recent years of her failing health.What a lot of people don't know is that I also got to watch my mother run a house, care for the children,be involved in ministry and do this alone a lot because of my fathers college load.She also, in more recent years "helped"run his counseling office some would say "she" actually ran it so my dad could focus on the ministry of marriage and family counseling. They have provided me with more than any wages could secure ...they have given me more than the biggest bank account could allow... for what they have given me and now my children is the picture of "true love" through difficult finances, college life in thier 30's,and unbelievable daily care for one another with kindness seeking to glorify God in any way they could. I hope to one day celebrate my 50th and look back on this day with fond memories and thank God for the gift he gave me in my wonderful godly parents that paved the road that I now travel.May God sustain and bless them with many more years together!

Calebs MRI

We still don't know anything from the MRI.UUHHHGGG!!!! I don't know what is taking so long.He has not said how it is doing or what is going on with it but I hope he will fill us in soon. Keep praying for him thats all we can do and the best we can do.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Caleb had his MRI yesterday but still won't know the results for a couple of days.He says it does not hurt Praise God for that.I will update as soon as we find out anything.Hopefully no later than tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Caleb Update

More of Pikes peak
Caleb has his MRI on Thursday.He said it is just sore now and he is getting therapy 4x a day. It should be healed in 3 weeks if it is just one ligament the MCL. He wants to try and play in 2 weeks at his last game of the season.Please pray for quick healing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Keep Praying for Caleb

Top Of Pikes Peak
Hi all,
The pain has begun for Caleb.He did get a foot of snow today and it was 19 degrees.We will keep you posted on how his knee is doing.I thought I would add this picture of Caleb at the top of Pikes Peak. It was snowing at the top and it was still August.Thanks for all your messages left here.I have changed the settings so it is easier to leave a message.You dont have to have a blog to leave a message all you have to do now is click on the comment at the bottom of this message and you can leave one easy as that.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pray For Caleb!

Caleb #19 in blue sacking the quarterback

Caleb, had one of the best games ever today! I heard his name called several times while I listened on the internet radio but with about 5 minutes left in the game he received what could be a very serious injury to his knee.They think it is his MCL but won't know for sure until they do an MRI sometime this week.He has it in a very large brace right now and has crutches.He is not in any pain which may mean that the injury is very serious and has damaged the nerve.Please pray for Gods will and his comfort in the next week or so.

Friday, October 19, 2007


New Way To View Songs

Hi all,
I have found a new way to post our favorite songs so that you dont have to go to youtube to see them.They are all at the bottom of the page so be sure to go all the way down and then you can see them without having to leave the page.If anyone has any requests I can find it and post it.I hope everyone is well! We miss you and love all our friends in Jacksonville and look forward to hearing all the good things God is doing in your lives!Robert is Maxed out studying but he said he will write as soon as possible.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Soaking In His Love Through Music

I know that at times of discouragement and pain God often uses gifted men and women to minister to my soul through music. I have spent the last couple of hours doing some billing for my father on the computer just listening to Roberts messages and so many songs.I love that song that Mike Butler introduced us to, on an average Wed night meeting, to the the newsboys version of the song about the African rain.Someone please give me the correct title.That brings me to tears in praise to our God as I cant wait till the day when the church at large will praise God together but it also reminds me that we are already doing that.We watched a missionary video from a family from our church that have given their lives over to one tribe in PNG and it showed the light of Gods Word and how Gods spirit was opening their eyes to the truth of Christ.I included some of my favorite songs in music video format at the bottom of this page.I have also included a list of missionary videos that include the voices of those believers from around the world. We truly do sing "Glory Glory... Hallelujah He reigns" with all believers around the world.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Picture of parade

Taylorsville Homecoming Parade

The whole family went to this big celebration in Taylorsville last Sat. The boys were on a float for each of their football teams and Grace was in it with her Dance team.They had a great time with football games and fair food and fun.I will send pictures of them whenever we find our camera cord.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

sadness in the cabin

Please pray for us... our dogs Roxy and Daisy have attacked each other for the second time in a month so we are having to have them put to sleep this afternoon.We love them dearly but can not risk this new sign of aggression. Please pray especially for Grace as Roxy was her special dog. We are thankful that God gives us companion animals for our enjoyment and in that enjoyment I believe God is glorified.These are painful times.

Encountering Genesis 2:6 on Wednesday afternoon.

“But a mist used to rise from the earth…”, this was the text that opened up yesterday in of all places a Hebrew class studying the imperfect qal stem of Hebrew verbs. For many people that would seem to be the last place that one would have an existential experience with the Word of God, but it that is what happened for me at around 4:30 pm. In my mind’s eye I beheld that mist rising and it was a wonderful sight to behold. Now I long for the day when I will be able to proclaim to those who will hear that “…a midst used to rise from the earth…” Why do I say that for many that would seem to be the last place they would expect to see such things? Because for them it is to academic. The real issue however is not a matter being academic or non-academic, it is a matter of the sovereign Spirit moving. The wind blows where it wills, so does the Spirit. The Spirit moves through his Word and the academy helps us to at least see how the Spirit has moved the writers to write and thus come to understand His word. In order to feel the Spirit we need to stand where the wind blows.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sorry about being slow to add more pictures. Robert had last week off for a reading vacation HAHA .He is back in the thick of it this week.I am taking a couple classes as well and they started back up this morning.So...we have had a busy couple of days.Robert will be posting a message tonight so please come back and check but it will probably be late since we have church tonight and then he will probably come home and do a few hours of Hebrew. We miss everyone in Jacksonville so much! I have good weeks and bad weeks but you all are in my thoughts a lot this week and I long to see you again.We are praying for you ...please pray for us.

Monday, October 8, 2007

More Pictures

First Entry-Picture of Caleb

I am starting this blog to keep all our friends and family informed of how our lives are going.I will attempt to post a picture of Caleb from our visit on parents weekend.