Friday, November 2, 2007

John and Lynn Lapp Married 50 Years Today!

What a tremendous heritage I have been blessed with. My parents and my family and my brother will gather this evening to celebrate our parents 50th wedding Anniversary.How rare this day and age. All those that know them know how my father has sacrificially and unconditionally loved and cared for her in the recent years of her failing health.What a lot of people don't know is that I also got to watch my mother run a house, care for the children,be involved in ministry and do this alone a lot because of my fathers college load.She also, in more recent years "helped"run his counseling office some would say "she" actually ran it so my dad could focus on the ministry of marriage and family counseling. They have provided me with more than any wages could secure ...they have given me more than the biggest bank account could allow... for what they have given me and now my children is the picture of "true love" through difficult finances, college life in thier 30's,and unbelievable daily care for one another with kindness seeking to glorify God in any way they could. I hope to one day celebrate my 50th and look back on this day with fond memories and thank God for the gift he gave me in my wonderful godly parents that paved the road that I now travel.May God sustain and bless them with many more years together!

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