Friday, October 31, 2008

Volumes spoken in few words

With a son that is in the military this video really speaks to my feelings about their sacrifices. I certainly hope and pray that Caleb will never be injured or killed fighting for freedom but I hope if that is the case that no one would tolerate it being said that his sacrifice was a mistake. This young man says so much in so few words.May we all appreciate and admire these young men and women for their sacrifice.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here is our #49!!!-Just click on this title to see latest pics it is the 3rd picture in the gallery

Beautiful day!

Monday was such a wonderful day here in Kentucky. Beautiful weather and bright blue sky's with a hint of fall in the air. Josh asked me if I would like him to read the book of Ruth to me. So I made us a picnic lunch and just he and I went out side and I got to hear him read me the book of Ruth. What a wonderful story of the grace of Boaz and the grace of God. So many things can be learned by studying this great book. The beauty of it was that God gave me a beautiful memory to cherish of a day spent hearing a son read God's word. Joshua is studying this book in Sunday school and seems to really be enjoying it.Thank God for such days!

Monday, October 13, 2008


We as a family went to buffalo wings restaurant on Saturday night to watch the air force San Diego state game on the screens that were there on the wall. We enjoyed it and as soon as Grace gets the pictures from her phone downloaded i will post them here. We had a very late night there as the game did not get over until about 1 am. We got so see a couple of close ups of him and his friend AJ. Here are a few pictures that Aj's mother sent me today. She will be going to the Las Vegas next weekend and said she would take some more pictures of them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Great Pics

Click on Pictures for larger view.
Thanks to Aj Wallersteins mom for these great pictures from Saturdays Air Force Navy game. She was nice enough to send us these pictures today!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh Well :(

Oh ...How I wish they had won for Caleb's sake. What a close game and too bad the circumstances played out the way they did. I hope Caleb does not get that virus that is plaguing the team that the sports announcers were talking about. It still amazes me to see the Konemann name on his jersey.What a thrill. It was nice to see him live in real time. He didn't look to happy but that is to be expected.Now I can't wait till next weeks game. I am privileged to watch Calvin and Joshua play tomorrow afternoon. What a busy day we will have tomorrow with church, 2 games, and small group at our house in the evening. I better get to bed!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Air Force VS Navy-click here to veiw profile

My heart aches to be at the game tomorrow. I watched some clips on you tube of the academy football team and it made me long to be there to see Caleb and watch a game. We will be watching tomorrow on Versus at 4pm-7:30. If you want to watch a great game tune in to this big rivalry game.
missing Caleb, Becky

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We have to have Roberts party on Friday because of work today and church.We just got home and it is 10:15. I will include some pictures from his party. Melissa went ahead and gave him her present.She gave him a gift certificate to Chillies and Dark Chocolate.My brother sent him a funny card. I feel bad that his birthday doesn't get the recognition of everyone else. He is such a good gift giver but never wants much. He is happy with cake and cards.The kids always get him stuff anyway. They love to give like he does so that is fun to watch. Melissa is going to Alabama Friday with Lee. She is going to be staying with Lee's grandparents and spending much time getting to know his family better as well as his church family. I miss seeing her outside of when we go to church. She helps me with 3yo Wednesday night church. She and Grace both are doing puppets every Wednesday and the kids love Mr. Obediah.
I am so thankful that God has given our family another year with such a wonderful Father and Husband to enjoy. I pray he gives us many more years to celebrate!
P.S. Extra Blessing!!! Caleb Called tonight. That was a great birthday present!!!