Thursday, October 11, 2007

sadness in the cabin

Please pray for us... our dogs Roxy and Daisy have attacked each other for the second time in a month so we are having to have them put to sleep this afternoon.We love them dearly but can not risk this new sign of aggression. Please pray especially for Grace as Roxy was her special dog. We are thankful that God gives us companion animals for our enjoyment and in that enjoyment I believe God is glorified.These are painful times.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Oh Becky and all the K-Fam,
We are so sorry to hear about your dogs - after hearing stories about them at small group we feel like we "knew" them.

Please know that you can love-on our Dixie-pup anytime you'd said your Daisy looks like her.

Bless you
The Blooms