Monday, August 18, 2008

To Caleb

If you ever get a chance to check out this blog I just wanted you to know how much we all love you.We are praying hard for your success on and off the field.I can't imagine how hard your schedule is right now with all the football and so many academic classes combined with all the military stuff you have to do. We are confident in your ability to handle it but I am sure it is hard at times. We have heard that many people have a bad cough that went around at Jacks Valley and pray you don't have that. The boys each had a game Saturday. They had moved Calvin to defensive end last week during practice but changed him back to middle linebacker.He wants to play linebacker I think mostly so you will be proud of him. Joshua played middle linebacker and running back. He got a few carries and some great tackles.They both lost their games and we had a sad Saturday afternoon around the house due to the losses. Joshua reminds us of you out on the field...very fast and smart about where the ball is.Calvin is a powerhouse.Last week he had a quarterback sack...a recovered fumble and an interception that he ran in for a touchdown.They miss you a lot. Melissa is busy with working and classes begin this week. Lee is back so she is busy trying to spend the little time they have together. He was over last night for small group and stayed to watch some of the Olympics which I am sure you have not had time to watch. grace is about to start dance for the year and it looks like she will be there everyday of the week. Papa has 3 clients now and is hoping to add a few more as God sends them his way. Grandma is recovering well from her surgery last week. Dad starts classes today and I ma teaching at the churches homeschool meeting tomorrow night. So that should catch you up on our current activities. I would have sent the big box of protein bars but someone said you had to pay package pickup so I will bring a couple of boxes full next week when we come to parents weekend. Is their anything else that you need us to bring. I know you don't have regular email yet so maybe you can let us know through face book. Dad has a face book now...I know...hard to believe and kinda funny.
Even though we don't know much about what your days are including and all we do trust that you are doing well and pray for God's continued blessings in your life. You have been given much and the hard part of that is now much is required but we are sure that you can handle it. Please know that even though we are confident we still pray for you many times a day.We know that God will direct your paths exactly where he wants them and we can rest in that.We miss you terribly but our aching hearts are soothed by the knowledge that you are happy.Have fun hard...and work hard on the field.Looking forward to seeing! I love you.
love mom

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