Sunday, April 27, 2008

God is so kind

It is hard to describe the events of today that will adequately convey the meaning that is branded in my heart. Of course it is a day full of mixed emotions.Sorrow and loneliness as I reflect back on one year ago and where we were and what we were feeling and how I am feeling now,Sadness at the loss of face to face fellowship with those that are so dear and at the same time joy at how God has so clearly guided us this past year.I did well until getting in the car and when you have been married as long as we have you don't have to use words to convey thoughts and feelings to each other .It is a glance, a hand that is squeezed tightly, a wink of the eye that says it all.While on the way to church I started to feel overcome when on the radio we heard a song we had never heard before and Robert just had to say "see?". The song was by the David crowder band called "Never Let Go" it has only a few lyrics and we usually don't care for the songs with just a few lyrics but they were the exact thing I needed to hear on the way this morning and I will never forget that moment as God's Spirit ministered strength to my breaking heart.
If that was all that happened this morning it would have been a special day but then when we sat down for the morning worship service God did another amazing thing. I could not hold back the tears from flowing down my cheeks again a mixture of feelings and then it was because God was so kind to us this morning. Our Pastor Tom Shreiner got up to preach and I was overwhelmed with thankfulness to God for bringing us to this church and having the opportunity to hear from God's word each week from someone that we have gotten to know a little bit and see such Pastoral love and care as He shepherds us. Anyway, Pastor Tom preached from the last couple of chapters of 1Samuel and it could not have been anymore timely. He talked about Davids frustration with not being able to fulfill his plans and not understanding why even though he was trying to do a good thing it was not the way God was going to work out His will. He related it to our lives when we try so hard to see things through and work so hard and then God does not allow us to see it through to the end of our plans but He will see it through to his will.I can not do this message justice and if I can get a copy of it I will post it here. The tears continued to flow down my cheeks during the entire message because God was so kind to let us hear such a perfect message for our needs this day. I don't intend to give the impression that I believe that it was just for us for I am sure many can relate to such situations but for us today we felt overwhelmed by God's goodness and rejoiced in hearing from His word.We ended the service by singing a very familiar songs to all of from Christ Fellowship called "Jesus Thank You" Robert didn't open his eyes during the entire song for I know he was listening for your voices and thanking God for His goodness to all of us.I would love to hear from you all about how God ministered to you this day.



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