Friday, September 5, 2008

News from our trip to Colorado

I know it has been a while since I updated this blog. We have and are still having problems with my computer. I hope to get it fixed this weekend so that I can upload a bunch of pictures from parents weekend. We had such a wonderful time in Colorado Springs. What a beautiful part of the country. We mostly enjoyed seeing Caleb. We were blown away by the Academy experience. I had to choke back tears many times as we followed him around the Academy and had the privilege of going to a few of his classes with him. One was a Computer science class and I was able to follow it for 5 minutes before I was lost. I sat there as Caleb answered questions that I didn't even understand and marveled at how easily things come to him. We are so proud of how far he has come and all the obstacles that he has overcome along he way. The fact that he plays Division 1 football after having to overcome so much as a freshmen in high school he continues to amaze us.The whole weekend was a joy. We loved the time we had with Alex coming and going to Colorado.We loved being able to spend Caleb's birthday with him.
The Academy is such an impressive place. You truly look into the faces of Americas future leaders. The pride for country and gratitude that wells up in you for such sacrifice, that even these young men and women that are not in a combat situation, but give up their individual freedoms for 4 long years to pursue serving their country in the future, is overwhelming. The classroom situation is unreal. The # of students per teacher is so incredible. I have heard other student in Calebs age bracket talk of their class attendance being in the hundreds.Caleb's teachers know his name and can see his computer screen form the back of the room,and in this day and age that kind of teaching just doesn't exist too many places. No wonder nearly 10 thousand of the brightest students across this nation apply every year.
As you can tell we were impressed with the Academy but we were mostly impressed with the man that our son is becoming.I can not tell you how great he wears that dress uniform.Makes my heart almost stop to think that he is my little boy that used to bring my handfuls of flowers and has brought me such joy in the past and to look at him now it is almost too much to take in.Where did the time go? Who knows what the future holds for him but we will be proud of him and enjoy him no matter what is in that future. It is exciting to think about what God is going to do with him.
After I fix my computer I will post some exciting news from Melissa and will hopefully be able to post her new paintings and our pictures from parents weekend.

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