Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Storm

As you can see we have had a lot of ice and snow! We lost power Tuesday night and it just came back on this afternoon. We did enjoy spending time playing games, cooking in the fireplace, slumber party in the living room and of course sledding! I was kinda disappointed that the power was back on and we were back to t.v. computer, ipods,etc... I really enjoyed the change of pace but the heat is a VERY GOOD thing! The fireplace is a must I have decided.We are getting a little more snow tonight and tomorrow with a warm up in the 40's by Sunday. Monday starts another set of storms...hopefully just snow but if not we will make the best of it. God is so good to give us such beautiful things to look at during every season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics! So pretty! I've been thinking about you guys and wondering if you were staying warm.
