Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The great news is that Caleb graduates from the Air Force Academy Prep School in less than 5 weeks. We are so proud of him for making it through this very difficult year.We are going to make the 19 hour drive straight through to Colorado in about 4&1/2 weeks from now. After he graduates on Tuesday he will be flying to Jacksonville to start a summer job there.The need is for him to have a car to get back and forth to this job. He has a couple of options one is to rent a car but that will cost 1000 plus about 1000 in insurance for just 6 weeks. The other option is for him to get his own insurance and buy a car for about 500 that will last him until the end of the 6 weeks.He can not have a car at the Air Force academy for a couple of years yet so a permanent purchase is unnecessary. If anyone that reads this in Jacksonville knows of a VERY used car that he could purchase please let us know as soon as possible.This job is at an Athletic Training facility called Titus where he will be running some summer camps and have the privilege of working out 3 hours a day himself for free.This is such a great opportunity that I would hate it if it did not work out for him.Thanks!

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