Saturday, July 2, 2011

Follow your dreams!

So many people fail to dream big dreams and follow them...of course the first thing said when I suggest this notion of dreaming is..."What about doing what God wants?" ..Why do these 2 things have to be oppossing ideas? If we are following God and His word and are working hard to grow in the knowledge of God then we should trust that those dreams are a reflection of Gods Will. Isn't he the one that gives us the desires of our hearts? If He has given us a desire or strong desire for something then we should trust that and go for it! I believe this is much like Eric Liddles feelings about racing and his sister needed to learn that his dreams were part of that will. I have never seen this movie above but I love the part about following your dreams. I so want my children to DREAM BIG DREAMS and when haters discourage and everyone thinks the dreams are stupid or far fetched seek the LORD and go for it!!!