Thursday, May 29, 2008

Academy Graduation

Yesterday was the Air Force Academy graduation. The speakers for this occasion rotate over 4 years.Every four years the president speaks so when Caleb graduates in 4 years who ever is president will be his commencement speaker.I hope he won't have to have Hillary or Obama do the honors.The following are some pictures that I thought were funny.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Celebrating with family

This is a picture of Caleb with my niece Ashley.You sure can tell they are cousins...they look like siblings to me in this picture. My brother Steven and sister-in-law Cyndee took Caleb out last night to celebrate his graduating from the AFA prep school.Thank you Steven and Cyndee for celebrating with him and being so kind to him.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Great Message

This is that great message from our Pastor,Tom Shreiner, that helped me so much that I told you about a few weeks ago.

click on the sermon Titled:"LEADING GOD'S WAY" this from April 27th 1Samual 29-31

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's Official!

We are so excited. Caleb received his official Air Force Academy "Appointment".Only about 75% of those that graduate from the prep school get to go on to the Academy next year. We are so proud of him! We leave tomorrow morning at 5 to make a long trip to Colorado Springs. I can't think of anything better for Mother's day than for everyone to be there with Caleb.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prayer Need

As most of you know the Lord has brought us here to Louisville for Robert to finish his degree so that in the future he can pastor again with a teaching credential that will allow him to teach part time at the collegiate level. He has about 1 year left if he can take a full load.This is a very difficult Seminary that requires alot of time for each class due to a very heavy reading load that each class requires. He is taking his last final today in Hebrew at 2:00 and then we leave Sunday to go to Colorado to see Caleb Graduate from the prep school. When we get back next Wednesday Robert will begin to actively look for work.He would like to find a regular good paying part time job and then fill in with other small jobs to supplement and still be able to take a full load at school.Please pray that he will find something quickly and be able to start taking his summer classes.Please pray for his stamina.He is doing really well.Full time at this Seminary is 9 hours a semester and he has just finished over 30 hours in 2 semesters so he has been reading until his eyes are about to fall out.I pray that the Macular Degeneration issues he had a few years ago continue to stay away.Pray for peace and faith as we again anticipate how the Lord is going to provide for us. The Lord has been so good to us and I "should have" no worries as I contemplate all that has transpired in the last year.Pray for us as we take 6 people in the car Sunday for 19 straight hours from Louisville to Colorado Springs and then come home again on Wednesday.Pray for Caleb as he starts his new job in Jacksonville.He will be coming here first to get Robert's truck to drive to Jacksonville to have all summer to use to get back and forth to work.Pray for his safety on that long trip south.Thank you for your prayer.I love to pray for you and I hope you will remember us as well.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Please Pray

My sister - in-law Cydee Lapp...Her mother Ann Johnson just passed away about an hour ago rather unepectedly after a brief illness.Please pray for Cyndee, AShley, Amy,Carl and Jeff and all the rest of her family at this time.We praise the Lord that she was a believer.